Balance Bike vs Training Wheels: Which Is Better For Toddlers?

Science and technology are working both as a blessing and a curse for modern parents. Even two decades ago parents used to get a training wheel bike for the toddlers. There were no other options to choose from. Now, this is not as easy as there is a new product called “balance bike”. Parents around the world are gradually falling in love with the no-pedal bikes. But there are grandparents or other elderly persons who are telling that bikes with training wheels are the way to go. So many parents are getting confused by this debate. The balance bike vs Training wheels debate is stronger than ever. We know this, so we will try to solve this debate quality time for all in this article today. We are going to talk about all the aspects of both balance bikes and bikes with training wheels. In simpler term, we are going to compare them to make it easy for all you parents out there.

Starting age

The no pedals bikes are made for kids aged between 2 to 5. A brand like Strider makes these bikes with adjustable seats. Parents get to use the same bike for a couple of years. Thanks to the adjustable seat option the bicycle riding lesson can begin at the tender age of just 18 months. For a bicycle with training wheels, the lowest age is at least 3 years old.


Balance bikes could be very lightweight. Some of these no-pedal bikes weigh only 3 lbs. So, your kids can easily take care of these low weight bikes by themselves. There are some new age bikes which bike helmet are lightweight, but adding a pair regular cycling of training wheels always makes them heavy. Parents always need to bright colours be there when kids are taking out their cycle with training wheels.



This is the major reason why even doctors are now advising the parents to opt-out of balance bikes. Kids, even toddlers cannot fall off from balance bikes. Safety is a big concern when it comes to product bike riding made for a kid to make physical activity. Bikes with training wheels can not guarantee the same level of safety. Kids often fell off from the bike with training wheels.

Kid’s choice

Most little kids may not like to ride bikes with training wheels as they are heavy. On the contrary, a balance bike weighs like their other toys. These bikes are also very colorful so your kids will easily get attracted to the kid’s helmet. Therefore you do not need to pursue the kids to go out and play.


Brands like Strider has been selling balance regular cycling bike at a really cheap price. These bikes are hugely popular all over the world as they are very safe to use. Not all parents like to buy a real bike for kids aged 3 or 4. For them, a balance bike is a great option.

Adult supervision

A bike with training wheels is not anything special. It’s a bicycle that has two extra wheels so that the first time riders find it easy to balance. You cannot give your kid a bike with training immune system wheels and leave them alone. You have to be there. At the same time, a balance bike has no-pedal and it’s specially designed for toddlers. Even very small kids will be able to bike riding to ride them independently. They will learn to balance on a real bike all by themselves thanks to the no-pedal bikes.

Balance Bike vs Training Wheels

Balance Bike Bike with Training Wheels
PedalingBalance bikes has no pedals. If children learn to ride using a pedal bike with training wheels, they will not develop their balance as the training wheels keep the bike straight.
After lifting the training cycles the child has to learn many bad habits that cause immediate balance and training cycles.
With a balance bike, the child first learns to balance and run, then progress to pedaling on their own time. Learning the pedal is much simpler than learning the balance, and since the child can comfortably go to the coast, there is no urgency.
CorneringEspecially in cornering point balance bikes are more helpful.As the bike moves by leaning and the training wheels keep the bike straight, they can be difficult to turn.
WeightThese bikes can balance easily because of less weight.Compare to balance bike these Bikes are more weight because it has training wheels with pedals.
Wheels and TyresThese bikes uses either rubber tyres or EVA foam tyres. Compared to EVA foam tyres, rubber tyres are much better because rubber tyres provides better cushioning and more grip, especially in turning in corner point.These Bike always come with rubber tyres,and little training wheels are made up of hard plastic.
Saddle HeightSaddle height is quit low.Saddle height is high.
BrakesSome balance bikes are brake-less.Bikes with Training wheels should have both front and rear brakes.

Best Balance Bikes for Kids

Image Products
AFFORDABLECruzee Ultralite Air
Rust-free anodized aluminum frame; maintenance-free sealed bearings; flat-free foam rubber tires and tool-free adjustment clamps
BEST BUDGETThe Early Rider Sports
Pneumatic tires with aluminum rims, notched fork ends for quick assembly; FSC-certified birch, water and weather proof marine-grade ply;
Hand brake system; durable and versatile rubber tires with thickness; an upholstered adjustable seat and handlebars; wider footrest design
KaZAM v2e
Air filled tires; Adjustable seat and handlebars; Very low stepover; many color options; hand brake
The Croco Aluminum
Lightweight and rust-resistant aluminum frame; ultra-soft hand grips; padded seat; gripped foot-rests; sturdy sealed bearings;
ENKEEO 12 Sport
Carbon Steel Frame; Adjustable Seat and Handlebar; puncture-resistant EVA Foam tires; Lightweight; hand brake
Radio Flyer All-Terrain Balance Bike
Sturdy, light weight steel frame; 12" Air Tires; Soft touch hand grips; Ringing bell for added fun
Retrospec Cub Kids Balance Bike
Adjustable seat posts and handlebars; Lightweight; Maintenance-free; Minimal assembly; Air-free tires; CPSC compliant to ensure your child's safety
Banana Bike LT
Aluminium frame; Lightweight; new ultra-lightweight puncture-proof EVA wheels; new unique twin bearing headset for ultra-smooth steering; safe child-proof handlebar locking hex clamp; hand brake
Woom 1 Plus
Hassle-Free Assembly; Front & rear hand brake; Light-weight aluminum frame; long wheel base
for stable and safe straight-away riding

Bike with Training Wheels

Image Products
BEST OVERALLDiamondback Bicycles Mini Viper
Training wheels; chain guard; single gear; easily adjustable seat; front wheel coaster brakes; no tools required to operate
BEST BUDGETRoyalBaby BMX Freestyle
Outstanding quality; sturdy steel frame and toughness; removable training wheels; adjustable seat; no tools required to operate
AFFORDABLERoyalBaby Honey & Buttons
A new square tube design; training wheels; adjustable ergonomically-designed seats; easy to use handle brakes; TPR soft grips; extra-wide tires; non-slip pedals with reflectors
Nice C BMX Kids Bike
Ultralight weight; One-piece frame; extra thick tires; training wheels; dual brake system with disc brake for rear wheel
Schwinn Koen Boy's Bike
SmartStart design; chain guard; adjustable saddle(with handle); training wheels; front(caliper) and rear(coaster) brakes


A balance bike is like pre-school which gradually makes the kid ready for the future. A survey proved that kids learned to use a real bike quicker when they used a san Fransisco bike coalition balance bike. It’s a great invention, childhood falling off from bike accidents can just be a thing of the past with the use of balance bikes.